Location and opening times.
The Uniform Shop is located at the rear of the school hall, on the eastern side of the school. Limited parking is available in the visitor's carpark, accessible via the Killeen Street entrance, and on-street parking in Amelia Street is close by. The Uniform Shop opens regularly during the school term and operates additional hours prior to the beginning of the school year.
Fitting appointments for Prep students are held in term 4 of the year before they start prep.
Convenor and volunteers.
The Uniform Shop is operated by the Northgate Parents and Citizens Association (P&C). Uniform Shop profits are managed by the P&C and support programs chosen by the school community which align with school priorities.
The volunteer Uniform Shop Convenor is appointed by the P&C and supported by dedicated parent volunteers. If you would like to join the Uniform Shop team please contact the convenor at uniforms@nsspc.asn.au
Purchasing uniform items
The Uniform Shop encourages online pre-orders via the Qkr! app (available for Android and Apple).
- Uniforms ordered via Qkr! are available for collection from the Uniform Shop on the chosen date.
- If uncollected at closing time, orders are taken to the school administration office where they can be collected during office hours.
- On request, orders can also be delivered to Helping Hands.
In store purchases can be made via eftpos (Square), during Uniform Shop opening hours.
If you are unable to order via Qkr! or visit the Uniform Shop during opening hours, please contact the convenor via uniforms@nsspc.asn.au for assistance.
Cash is not accepted.
Uniform description
Formal uniform
Formal uniform is worn four days a week. Students have a choice of 3 options:
- Checked school formal shirt + navy school shorts
- Checked school formal shirt + navy school skort
- Checked school formal dress + navy blue or black sports briefs
which are to be worn with:
- Plain black shoes or runners with black shoelaces
- Plain white socks
- Reversable house colour school bucket hat
Sports uniform
Sports uniform is worn on PE day (one day per week) and at sports events. Students have a choice of 2 options:
- Blue school polo shirt + navy school shorts
- Blue school polo shirt + navy school skort
which are to be worn with:
- Plain black runners with black shoelaces
- Plain white socks
- Reversable house colour school bucket hat
Winter uniform
In cold weather, students may wear:
- School zip jacket
- School trackpants or plain navy trackpants, in place of navy school shorts or navy school skort
- Navy tights or stockings with the checked school formal dress
Swimming attire
Swimming lessons are generally held in term 4, as advised by the school.
Students require:
- Bathers
- A sun safe swim shirt / “rashie" (t-shirts are not permitted)
- A swimming cap
- Goggles
Hair must be clean, neat and in an appropriate, conservative style. Children are not permitted to dye their hair. Hair shoulder length or longer must be tied back with navy hair elastics, ribbons, scrunchies or hairclips. Upcycled scrunchies are sold in the Uniform Shop.
Jewellery is limited to watches and sleeper earrings/studs. Makeup or fingernail polish is not permitted.
Uniform Policy
Northgate State School is a proud Independent Public School with pride in our uniform.
The Northgate State School P&C supports a student dress code policy as it promotes the objectives of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. In particular, the dress code:
- Promotes a safe environment for learning by enabling ready identification of students and non-students of the school.
- Promotes an effective teaching and learning environment by eliminating the distraction of competition in dress and fashion at the school.
- Promotes a supportive environment at the school by fostering a sense of belonging.
Fosters mutual respect among individuals at the school by minimising visible evidence of economic, class or social differences.
We are proud of our students and our school. Our children will develop this pride by the full time wearing of uniforms. All students are expected to wear the school uniform every day.
- Northgate's Formal uniform is encouraged 4 days per week, and our Sports uniform is to be worn on PE days and at sports events only.
- Formal uniform is to be worn on all excursions unless specifically notified otherwise.
- It is expected that all students will wear the school hat at all times during playtime and external activities including before and after school.
- Please ensure your child's uniform items are labelled with full name details.
- Parents' cooperation in supporting this dress code policy is greatly appreciated.
The Northgate State School P&C association has endorsed this policy.
Second hand uniforms.
Second hand uniforms are available for purchase through the Uniform Shop. We encourage parents to donate their pre-loved uniform items to the Uniform Shop during opening hours. If outside of Uniform Shop hours, second-hand donations may be left at School Administration Office.
Prices for pre-loved items start from $5, with all proceeds going directly to the P&C. Second-hand items are displayed and available for purchase in-store.
Contact the convenor at uniforms@nsspc.asn.au