Welcome to Northgate State School. Our P&C is small and active and made up of members passionate about our children and our community.
What do we do?

The P&C is committed to:
- Meeting at least six times a year.
- Supporting the school's ability to acquire resources that benefit students.
- Welcoming and listening to all students and their families.
- Respecting and valuing our cultural diversity.
- Working closely with our Principal to support the school's goals.
The P&C meetings provide an opportunity for the Principal to share the school's direction and receive feedback from parents.
When do we meet?
- Meetings usually occur twice a term and are a mix of inperson an online meetings.
- We advertise upcoming meetings on the P&C closed Facebook page, in the school's newsletter and via email.
- All members are sent an agenda prior to the meeting.
Who are our executive members?
President: Frank Jefferies
Vice President (fundraising): Sharon Walker
Vice President (Grants): Amy Pentis
Treasurer: Kate Fraikin
Secretary: Dana Hungerford-Symes
Tuckshop Convenor: Danielle Wilson
Uniform Convenor: Milly Jefferies
Our annual general meeting (AGM) is held each February / March where all positions are made vacant and members can express their interest in filling executive positions.
How You Can Be Involved

If you would like to join the P&C, please complete a membership form (PDF, 112 KB)
We encourage all parents to be involved by:
- Participating at P&C meetings.
- Engaging in fundraisers.
- Joining in at any of our functions that are hosted throughout the year.
- Volunteering at the tuckshop, uniform shop and P&C events.
Why You Should Volunteer
Volunteers help our school run smoothly. Some of the many benefits of volunteering at Northgate State School include:
- Supporting your children's educational, social and emotional needs.
- Connecting you to your school community and allowing you to be engaged with the school's direction.
- Allowing your child to see that you value their school and their education.
- Allowing the P&C and school to provide activities and resources that benefit your child.
- Allowing you to use your skills and talents to enhance our school community.
To indicate your interest to volunteer please email the P&C secretary at secretary@nsspc.asn.au
We look forward to meeting you!